Well I have tried them all, spent countless dollars and time until I found the one that works and this ONE IS IT. Simply cal my Infoline to hear what I am talking about. I sure hope to hear from you.
Where are my glasses? We all do small circles and pick up a few items, looking underneath them. AH FUCK! busted. Woah woah woah. slow down. you've got to bend them back slowly! They don't need more than three people to fit a lens back into a frame, so amid the co-motion, without saying goodnight, I slowly go down the spiral stairs.
This was a series of events taken out of some other time and rearranged, only vaguely resembling their original contexts.
Making bread is good for the soul,
unless it's too cold in your house for the dough to rise properly.
But even then, there's still the process of slowly convincing a substance which likes asking the proud question, "do I really need that flour, anyway!?" that it could take just a little more.
what am I doing with my life?
(is it healthy to ask this question about once a day?)
once a month. probably not once a day.
for your bread, turn the over on and set it on top!
once a day will drive you mad.
i borrowed a small green hat from your house and then realized i never brought a hat in the first place.
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