dream2: My bed is full of mice.
dread: I missed my final presentation.
suspicion: a mouse died in our bathroom vent.
variations on a theme:
1. Firestation 2. Johnny on the Spot, Denver Museum of Art (tilt not exaggerated)

last night my brother called. We talked about dreams, lies and failures for over a half hour. We decided that whether you are seven or twenty-two, it is best to tell your mother that you broke the leg off a wicker-back chair right after it happens.
is that your firestation? i was wondering what those little white boxes where for. and i'm still kind of confused. windows on a look-out sky-way chill-out-zone thing? regardless it looks like its from the future, with which i am down.
i am going to call my sister tomorrow, but that's because it's her birthday. the dream topic is a good one.
and good luck on your presentation.
1: you may not write with them, almost every time i talk to you there is a !? that is a certain murphy
2: Noble Beast leaked onto the internets. addicted.
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