

I think this may change completely with this new discovery.

The other day, I got a splinter in my eye and found out that my life is worth approximately as much as my high school education.

a moment: Catching one straggling piece of hair in front of my dresser mirror, looking at the colors (I forget they're there until I'm inevitably reminded by the person cutting my hair, this time, Leandra), cutting that small chunk (20 strands at the most), the day and afternoon seem like an entire solid in that one small motion.

have a round of words (on the house):
soundless skurried practice boyish inglese despect unexpected tunable oblation placing graveolent immerge ambidextral pauperis cobalt tantalization deportation


лора said...

How exactly does one go about increasing their net worth? I think you're priceless (meant to be as cheesy as possible)!

leandra.b said...

round words