resurfaced due to a series of conversations.
concerning a car stuck in the ice.
It is stephen and joan. She is driving.
But she has a guest. and a bad front tire. It would have been very difficult without his contribution.
but you say that you're in there alone.
and that ice.
and that tire!
and what of the brakes? They've not been so hot recently... so what if you get going and are incapable of stopping?
do not worry about this now.
right now, your wheels are spinning and you must get a push.
I know you are in there alone, so there is no one to get out and push.
one time, there was a car of us. We were four. One would not have been enough, but four! four got the job done. We were strangers and his wheels were spinning. He took the help.
But what if you are in an unfriendly neighborhood and there are not four to come off the street and push?
You are stuck in the ice.... trying to go uphill to no avail.
well. check your inventory. kitty litter? sand? icemelt?
can you back up to get a running start?
can you possibly put it in neutral and run?
this takes a lot of strength and you have been so tired.
please remember that this modern age which has caused so much trouble with cars and ice also contains cell phones.
I will find three others. and we will come push. For unknown, reasons, I have been blessed with a heavy car and thick tires.
I now have a little Kia. I think she'll make it through the winter, though.